
The present website serves as the exclusive and authoritative online platform for the representation of IJ Financial Services Limited [ACN 162 530 449], [AFSL 443031], and IJ Funds Management Pty Ltd [ACN 632 345 905], [Authorised Representative No: 001276584], collectively identified as IJ Capital.

About Us

As an Australian financial services provider and fund managers authorised by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC), IJ Capital is committed to providing a comprehensive wealth management platform, as well as high quality financial products and services to our clients. We are driven to achieve our investors’ goals and to bring significant advantage to our clients by leveraging our comprehensive knowledge of key industry issues and best practices.

Our Strengths

A extensively diversified funding base
A highly diversified funding base
High quality investment opportunities
Compliance with benchmark standards
Expert team

Our Results for Wholesale Funds

We are strived to build trust and deliver results in societies where perspectives and expectations are changing.
Mortgage managed since establishment
Funds under management
Return on Investment
Avg p.a. *
Highest Historical Return in 45 days
p.a. *

*Figures current as of 31/03/2023

*Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Rates are variable.

Our Funds

We offer different retail and wholesale funds, each with their own investment terms and risk. Click below to view our current opportunities.

Wholesale funds are only offered to wholesale investors
Wholesale Fund
IJ Monthly Income Fund



6 Months
Loan to
valuation ratio

Open for Investment

Wholesale Fund
IJ Premium Income Fund


12 Months
Loan to
valuation ratio

Open for Investment

Wholesale Fund
IJ Property Trust No.2


5 years***
Loan to
valuation ratio

Open for Investment

* The return on investment(ROI) varies with the length of the investment. The income distributions from the Fund are variable and subject to changes in the Funds underlying asset base and the income received by the Fund each month. Investors should be aware that distributions are not guaranteed nor is the repayment of capital.

** The Fund aims to pay Investors Distribution Payments on a monthly basis based on the amount invested in a Fund and the Investment Term selected by the Investor. There is a risk that Investors do not receive any income distributions. 

*** The Trust has an initial term of 5 years and it may be extended for a further term of 5 years if more than 50% of the Unitholders agree and approve such extension pursuant to the Unit Trust Deed.

IJ Debt Investment Fund
Class A1 Units


Investment terms

3 Months
Minimum investment
Distribution frequency
Current unit price

Reinvestment Available

Open for Investment soon

IJ Debt Investment Fund
Class A2 Units


Investment terms
6 Months
Minimum investment
Distribution frequency
Current unit price

Reinvestment Available

Open for Investment soon

IJ Debt Investment Fund
Class A3 Units


Investment terms
12 Months
Minimum investment
Distribution frequency
Current unit price

Reinvestment Available

Open for Investment soon

*The return on investment(ROI) varies with the length of the investment. The income distributions from the Fund are variable and subject to changes in the Funds underlying asset base and the income received by the Fund each month. Investors should be aware that distributions are not guaranteed nor is the repayment of capital.

** The Fund aims to pay Investors Distribution Payments on a monthly basis based on the amount invested in a Fund and the Investment Term selected by the Investor. There is a risk that Investors do not receive any income distributions.

IJ Capital paid $53m for the Aviary Toowong
IJ Capital paid $53m for the Aviary Toowong

Cited form Courier Mail. Written by Chris Herde The developers behind a $450m visionary town centre development in Brisbane inner west have sold the project site citing Covid and the economic climate for their decision to sell. Brisbane-based investment company IJ Capital paid $53m for the 9000sq m site on the corner of Sherwood Rd and High St, known as…

3 Ways in Invest in Property Without Owning Real Estate
3 Ways in Invest in Property Without Owning Real Estate

Property prices are something Australians love to talk about. They’re either falling, rising, or hitting the roof. Rarely does a family BBQ, brunch with friends or after work drinks with colleagues come and go without talk of the property market. It’s a national pastime and you’ be hard pressed to find an Aussie that doesn’t want to get their foot…

REITS vs unlisted property trusts – what’s the difference?
REITS vs unlisted property trusts – what’s the difference?

If you’re searching for a means to diversity your investment portfolio, a property trust may be worth your consideration. A property trust is a type of managed fund that affords investors the opportunity to invest in  a range of real estate assets including residential homes, commercial buildings, industrial warehouses, hotels, shopping centres, hospitals and other specialist properties. They are overseen…

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Get in Touch with Us

  • Address:
  • Level 7, 199 George Street, Brisbane City, QLD 4000, Australia
  • Phone:
  • 1300 533 776
  • Email:
  • [email protected]
This webpage and the information are for general information only and does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person. It is not intended to take the place of professional advice and you should not take action on specific issues in reliance on this information. You should consider, with your professional adviser, whether the information is suitable for your circumstances. The Fund is offered to investors in Australia. Before deciding to acquire or continue to hold an investment in the Fund, please ensure you read all supporting Information that clearly outlines all the risks associated with our Investment Trust. Past investment performance is not a reliable indicator of future investment performance and that no guarantee of performance, the return of capital or a particular rate of return is provided. And if you’re still not sure, please call us, we’d be happy to discuss any concerns you have. We also recommend you seek personal advice from a licensed qualified financial planner if you are still not sure.