IJ Debt Investment Fund

 Open for investment soon

About The Fund

IJ Financial Services Limited is the Responsible Entity for the IJ Debt Investment Fund. IJ Funds Management actively manages the Fund and invests in short to medium term loans secured by real property, capital equipment, and accounts receivable.

The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with regular and consistent investment returns while maintaining a relatively low level of capital volatility by investing in a range of loan offerings.

Currently, only Class A Units are available for investment. The Fund invests predominantly in loans that will be provided for the purposes of property settlement, construction funding for development, or refinancing. Income is derived from the interest paid by borrowers under loan agreements. The property will typically be located in the metropolitan region of Australia’s mainland capital cities, and major regional centres.

Key Investment Terms

Target Return

4.0-5.2% p.a.*

Investment Terms

3, 6 or 12 months

Minimum Investment


Distribution Frequency




Unit Price

$1 per unit

IJ Debt Investment Fund

Responsible Entity IJ Financial Services Limited
Investment Manager IJ Funds Management Pty Ltd ACN 632 345 905
Authorised Representative No: 001276584
Unit Price AU$1.00 per Unit
Nature of Fund – Class A Units Open-ended registered mortgage fund
Targeted Distribution Rate (p.a.) for Class A1 –

3 months term


* subject to market condition changes

Targeted Distribution Rate (p.a.) for Class A2 –

6 months term


* subject to market condition changes

Targeted Distribution Rate (p.a.) for Class A3 –

12 months term


* subject to market condition changes

Targeted  Distribution Rate (p.a.) for Class B  Class B units are not presently available. A subsequent SPDS will be issued outlining Class B Units in detail, when they become available for investment.
Targeted Distribution Rate (p.a.) for Class C Class C units are not presently available. A subsequent SPDS will be issued outlining Class C Units in detail, when they become available for investment.
Minimum Investment Amount $10,000.00 for initial investment
$5,000.00 for any additional investments
Maximum Investment Amount AU $250,000.00 on Class A1
No maximum on other Classes
Distribution Frequency Monthly
Type of Loan Security A registered first or second ranking mortgage, a personal guarantee from the borrowing entity's controller or director, or a security interest over the assets of the borrowing entity
Type of Property Vacant land, residential, commercial, retail or industrial properties in Australia
LVR The LVR will not exceed 80%
Loan Size $100,000 to $10,000,000
Loan Term Less than 18 months
Entry Fees Nil
Exit Fees Nil
Management Fee Up to 2% per annum
Audit Frequency Monthly
Withdrawals Class A1 Units - at least 30 days before the end of the Investment Term

Class A2 Units - at least 45 days before the end of the Investment Term

Class A3 Units - at least 60 days before the end of the Investment Term

Auditor Independent Audit Services Pty Ltd
Custodian Certane CT Pty Ltd

ACN 106 424 088

Level 19, 60 Castlereagh Street

Sydney NSW 2000

ARSN 646 396 269



he Fund aims to pay Investors monthly distribution payments based on the amount invested and the investment term selected by the investor. Distribution payments are processed within 14 days of the end of each month.


ach period of an investor’s investment in the Funds is referred to as an investment term. Despite the liquidity of assets held by the Fund, investors will only be able to withdraw from the Fund at the end of the investment term for the relevant class of Unit.


ou should be aware that investing in IJ Debt Investment Fund involves risks that could lead to the loss of part or all of your capital, or diminished returns. Distribution Payments are not guaranteed nor are any capital returns.


The Responsible Entity and Fund Manager will attempt to manage and mitigate risks, however not all risks can be eliminated, and some risks are outside the control of the Responsible Entity. If risks eventuate, then it can have a negative impact on distributions and the value of your investment.


Prospective investors should carefully consider the PDS and SPDS (if applicable) – including the risks outlined in those documents – before making any investment decision.


Product Disclosure Statement
Target Market Determination
Financial Services Guide

Investing involves certain risks and you must carefully consider the PDS. We recommend you read the entire PDS and any supplementary documents and seek independent advice before making an investment decision.’


Commonly Asked Question

A managed investment trust (MIT) is a type of trust in which members of the public collectively invest in passive income activities, such as shares, property or fixed interest assets.

Loan to Valuation Ratio (LVR) is a financial term used by lenders to express the ratio of a loan to the value of an asset purchased. It is used by a number of lenders to determine how much risk they’re taking on with a secured loan. The higher the LVR is, the riskier the loan is.

An Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) contains information about a financial product, including any significant benefits and risks, the cost of the financial product and the fees and charges that the financial product issuer may impose.


The information in the PDS is general information only and does not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or needs. The information in a PDS is not, and is not intended to be, personal advice. You should consider whether an investment in a Class is appropriate for you in light of your personal circumstances. You should obtain independent professional financial, legal and tax advice before making a decision whether to invest in a Class.


It is a legal requirement that all investors download and read the PDS for the IJ Debt Investment Fund and understand these risks before making an investment.

There are risks associated with investing in the Fund. These risks may be exacerbated by social and health issues, such as the COVID-19 pandemic happening at the date of this PDS, and any number of unknown risks that may also arise as a result of COVID-19, which may adversely impact the Fund and distributions to Investors. See Section 5 of this PDS for more information. You should carefully consider these factors in light of your personal circumstances (including financial and taxation issues) and seek professional advice before deciding whether to invest in the Fund.

This webpage and the information contained within has been prepared by IJ Funds Management Pty Ltd. IJ Funds Management Pty Ltd (IJFM) is the Investment manager of the Fund and is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No. 001276584) of IJ Financial Services Limited (IJFSL) ACN 162 530 449 AFSL No: 443031. IJFSL acts as issuer and trustee of the Fund. IJ Debt Investment Fund  is an unlisted managed investment scheme. Investors may lose part or all of their capital or there may be periods when their returns are diminished. The Fund is not a bank deposit. The Trustee and the Manager does not guarantee your fund’s performance or the interest payment by the Borrower.

The material is for general information only and does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person. It is not intended to take the place of professional advice and you should not take action on specific issues in reliance on this information. You should consider, with your professional adviser, whether the information is suitable for your circumstances. The Fund is offered to investors in Australia who are retail clients. Before deciding to acquire or continue to hold an investment in the Fund, please ensure you read our supporting Product Disclosure Statement and Supplementary Terms (if available) that clearly outline all the risks associated with our Investment Trust. Past investment performance is not a reliable indicator of future investment performance and that no guarantee of performance, the return of capital or a particular rate of return is provided. And if you’re still not sure, please call us, we’d be happy to discuss any concerns you have. We also recommend you seek personal advice from a licensed qualified financial planner if you are still not sure.